First let's start off that the buzz on Ai is no joke, it is life changing and for the better? Depending on how it is used of course. In instances of creating an image I will be glad to take additional assistance BUT I can also see how it is considered Non-Organic Content.
What is Non-Organic Content? (NOC) - not organic made there for not content that should be credited if used in any shape or form of Ai help.
Example of Ai Generative Fill in Photoshop Beta

Cute bunch are they not? These are my nephews and they came to visit the studio early this year. Last minute I combined these three elements/pieces of heritage articles and dressed our kiddos.
Here is the BEFORE image:

Still a grand time at the studio - but can you see how Generative Fill gave me a background that matched my desired wants by asking it to therefore creating a wonderful storytelling portrait that is mesmerizing to their loved ones? Will you put a price on this if these were your children or nephews?